
One-click creation of your monthly fleet reliability report.

AVILYTICS’s Reliability Reporting module empowers airlines and aircraft operators to generate detailed and customizable monthly technical fleet reliability reports. These reports are crucial for maintaining airworthiness and ensuring the highest levels of fleet performance.

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Function Highlight

Automated Reports

  • Each report is tailored to the operator's needs and authorities’ guidelines. Users can customize the report to focus on specific areas of interest, such as fleet performance, component reliability, or maintenance effectiveness.

  • Reports can be exported in PDF format, making it easy to share with relevant stakeholders.

Comprehensive Data Analysis

  • The reliability report section provides a holistic view of fleet reliability, identifying areas that may need attention or improvement.

  • It includes critical reliability metrics such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals (MTBUR), technical dispatch reliability, and unscheduled removals.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Users can easily add or remove widgets from the report template, allowing for a fully customizable reporting experience.

how does it work?

Data Collection & Integration

AVILYTICS integrates seamlessly with various data sources within an airline’s operations, including M&E/MRO systems, flight operations data, and other relevant databases. This ensures a comprehensive collection of data necessary for accurate reliability analysis.

Data Processing

Collected data is processed and normalized within the AVILYTICS data warehouse. This step ensures consistency and accuracy, making the data ready for advanced analysis.

Configuration of Reports

Together with the EXSYN experts the monthly fleet technical reliability report is customized according to the operator’s needs and guidelines provided. Users can also select and customize pre-built widgets to create their own tailored reports.

Visualization and analysis

Data Visualization

Selected widgets transform raw data into intuitive charts and graphs, helping users quickly grasp complex information and identify trends

Interactive Elements

Interactive elements allow users to drill down into specific data points for detailed analysis, such as identifying root causes of high failure rates

Report Generation

Reports can be scheduled to generate automatically at regular intervals, ensuring stakeholders receive up-to-date information without manual intervention. Users can also manually generate reports on demand for ad-hoc analysis and decision-making

Distribution and Alerts

Reports can be exported as PDF documents for easy sharing across teams and departments. Pulse notifications can be set up for specific metrics, alerting relevant personnel if a component’s failure rate exceeds a predefined threshold.

Ole Holmsten, Head of Engineering at Norse

We Are Excited To Work With EXSYN And Their AVILYTICS Software. We Have Just Started The Project, And What We Have Seen Already Is Impressive.

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