Aircraft Data Management: What Are The Biggest Challenges and What Can You Do
The data in an airline's system is the lifeblood of any operations, but it can also be a challenge to manage. The need to store and manage this information is only growing, but so too does the rate at which it's created. Some of the top challenges airlines face are
What Is Aircraft Data Management & Why It’s Important
At EXSYN we are all about aircraft data, helping our clients to manage aircraft data efficiently for airworthiness compliance, empower digitization and drive value. So let's talk about what is data management and why its important.
Showcase: Simplifying AD and SB compliance process by using RPA
Showcase: Simplifying AD and SB compliance process by using RPA.
How to ensure timely entry into service of newly phased-in Aircraft?
With engineering teams under increased scrutiny on costs and potentially even less FTE to support the overall technical operations and airworthiness management it seems useful to revisit some important pieces of managing aircraft airworthiness data.
Stay ahead and leave Excel behind - 5 reasons why and how
Within aviation Excel is still widely used for data analyzing purposes; For data and tech savvy’s it might be surprising for people working longer in aviation it is less.
Aircraft Reliability Engineering - 3 steps to decrease maintenance turnaround time
In this blog we look at aircraft reliability management from both a process as well as a technical perspective.
The importance of data in aviation: Data indicates airworthiness and confirms asset value
Today we would like to highlight an important part of the whitepaper: The importance of data.
How to ensure Continuous Airworthiness
A lot is involved to keep an aircraft in the air. When having to explain this in simple terms to people outside the airline industry the comparison I make is the comparison with car maintenance.
Continued Airworthiness 2030
The latest contribution to EXSYN's industry blog: a case study into the future of continued airworthiness management within aviation.